Monday, March 22, 2010

Final Willy Character

This character was completely done in Maya and Sub-Surface Shattering (SSS) was used for the skin textures. There was also photoshop textures for the housecoat, shower cap, eyes, and the soap. Maya Lamberts were used for the house shoes and rope on the house coat.

back three-fourths view

Front view

My textured elephant

This is my textured elephant. I took the original mesh from Maya and uploaded it into Zbrush. I also painted the elephant in Zbrush. It was my first time painting in Zbrush and I feel that it was it was a good first attempt. I still have to do some work on the actual mesh. I think it turned out pretty nice.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I was going for a very stylized hand with the fingers being wider at the tip and skinny at the root. I feel that it gives the character more personality with his big hands and smaller feet.

His accesories include a bath robe, a shower cap, a used bar of soap, and some bunny slippers.

Finished Model (Willy)

This is my finished character model. I still have to unwrap it, texture, and rig it but Im excited to say that the modeling is done. I used all polys, but the only thing that is a nurbs is the character's tongue

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Also he is going to be wearing a shower cap. He is a very simple easy going character. With his bath robe, bunny slippers, and soap on hand I felt that these extra items gave this simple character a bit more life.

This is Willy

This is a characrter that I am modeling named Willy. I have to finish modeling the hand and arm, the neck, the inside of the mouth, and mirror the geometery of course. He is a work in progress but I put him on here right now to get anyone's opinion about it.