Monday, August 30, 2010

Mech cont.


This is the Military Gunwalker with just some simple shaders
Note: i did not draw this image, I did however draw over the image in the red outlines.

This was the concept for the Mech, of course with other reference images.


So i did an art test for a Mech concept. (Military gunwalker) At first i figured it was going to be a little challenging sense i had never modeled anything like this before. I sketched over one on the concept photos in photoshop to simplify the modeling process. I used Adobe Maya for the model. After finishing it, I was actually impressed with myself. For the first time of doing this, I feel like I've done a very good good. Another piece of the assignment was to work up a low-poly and high-poly version. The time limit was a little over two weeks. I started on the high-poly first and worked backwards to the low-poly. I figured that it would be good to get all the details out the way in the beginning.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010