Sunday, February 7, 2010

African war elephant in progress

This is a work in progress piece. I plan on finishing modifying it in maya and unwraping it so i can bring it into zbrush to texture it and to get a good wrinkle and skin affect. I know I have to really work on the eyes but does anyone have any other suggestions?


  1. Hey Ashley! Thanks for the kind comment that you left on my blog! Well, I think this elephant looks great!!!I recommend you to bring it into Z-Brush and try to add some details on the skin (e.x. wrinkles). If you can't work with that software, just make sure that your textures have bump maps and they are placed properly on the model. :)

  2. Keep up the good work Ashley, I really like your models, the elephant is great. Thanks for your kind words.

  3. You're welcome TJ and I appreciate the compliment. I'm still going to work harder on the elephant to make it look more realistic.
